18. April 2016


gruppe hört einem vortrag zu

Modern Edutainment


Edutainment = Education + Entertainment

  • Native, highly qualified trainers with decades of business experience
  • Multi-media content supported teaching methods & eLearning Plattform
  • Training programmes specifically tailored to your needs
  • Initiating effective and sustainable learning processes
  • Flexible scheduling & Inhouse Training measures
  • Optimising your individual performance or your entire corporate communication
  • Increasing sales & improving your international competetiveness

Language measures

Specifically tailored language acquisition

  • Business English
  • German as Foreign Language
  • Adesso Italiano
  • Intercultural Communication
  • Targeted professional performance optimisation
  • Individual & group training measures
  • Blended Learning

Seminars & workshops 

Proficient & effective

Full and half-day seminars and workshops on issues such as

– Business & Presenting in English
– Meetings & Negotiations
– Professional Telephoning
– Socialising & Networking

Seminars & wodsadar

Contact us today and receive your individual quote within no time!
We look forward to communicating with you…

+49 89 – 26 21 49 80
